Parks Bond Improvement for the City of Fort Lauderdale
Premiere Design Solutions, Inc., (PDS) is currently providing professional surveying and underground utility location services under this City of Fort Lauderdale Parks Bond Improvement Program. PDS has completed the following work orders:
This project included:
ALTA Survey signed and sealed by a Professionally Licensed Surveyor registered in the State of Florida
The survey contained physically verified and electronically recorded boundary, utility, road, building, and other information as necessary to provide an ALTA Survey per State Law and the Table A items (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 14, and 21 as required by the Client)
Work included public sidewalks and full ROW to ROW survey of public streets fronting the property, such as NW 53rd Street (Executive Center Dr.) and NE 53 Terrace, excluding NW 84 Avenue.
Pavement markings, signage, and striping within this area, were also included.
All sanitary sewer and storm water manhole information including elevations for the Bottom, Top, Invert, as well as invert direction, size and material was collected.
Tree Survey information included a general common name of the tree, width of the trunk at breast height, height and canopy coverage.
Topographic data as elevations shots were taken based on NGVD 29 vertical datum.