Professional engineering services for a 6 Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) at the Fort Lauderdale International Airport (FLL).




The airport’s wastewater master plan identifies the need to redirect wastewater flows from the LS31 FS-2 to LS31 F2-1, which in turn pumps the combines flows to LS31 F2. The services provided accomplished the airports plan to pump flows from LS31 F2-1 directly to the 6inch Force Main from the 2 upstream lift stations to the 6inch force main downstream of LS31 F2.

This project included:

  • Engineering design for 600LF of 6” DIP Force Main, route analysis determination, existing utilities coordination, future project coordination and design schedule
  • Maintenance of traffic plans
  • Regulatory agency permitting, including meeting with the regulatory agencies, and permitting forms
  • Construction administration with periodic field visits and CEI services